Repugnant Review: Flesh Meat Doll(s) (2016) – C. Huston

So after I reviewed the film Portraits of Andrea Palmer, filmmaker C. Huston sent me a link to his short film, Flesh Meat Doll(s). All I can say is… HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Take the brutality and gore in Portraits and crank that shit to 11, and yes, there\’s fucking in it. I really don\’t want to give anything away, because it hasn\’t been released yet, but my god, it\’s got to be the most REPUGNANT thing I\’ve ever seen.

I mean that in the best way possible. It really does its job as far as shocking you, and the added taboo of pornography mixed with extreme gore absolutely kicked me in the balls. I\’m not used to it, but if C. Huston and his company Tomorrow Productions keeps making these kind of movies, you bet your ass I\’m going to be first in line to check it out. If I had to compare it to anything, which is pretty hard to do considering I haven\’t really seen anything like this before, I\’d compare it to Japanese films such as Niku Daruma and Woman\’s Flesh: My Red Guts.

It\’s utterly nasty and what seemed like a 15 minute short, felt like an endless borage of some the most disgusting imagery ever put on film. It\’s a brutal assault on the psyche, and this film makes Nekromantik look like an episode of Sesame Street. I enjoyed the hell out of it, and it takes quite a bit to make my jaw drop but holy shit… Bravo, C. Huston. You are the fucking man. Once there is a physical release, I\’m buying it.

Tomorrow Productions Links
(website doesn\’t seem to be working, will add if back up)

Repugnant Review: I Spit On Your Grave (1978) – Meir Zarchi

 October is here, and what time is year is better than this! I figured for the entire month of October, I would review my favorite horror films of all time (yeah, I know, I missed the !st, but you know what, double the reviews!). For my first feature, I had to chose something I find completely gut-wrenching, but exciting at the same time. I Spit On Your Grave might not be the ideal Halloween movie, but it\’s absolutely one of the most devastating films out there. I personally love this movie, and every time someone asks me what they should watch when they want to dig deeper into more extreme stuff, I always mention this movie. Even to this day, my ass is hanging off the edge of my chair, and my teeth are embedded into my bottom lip when I watch this. It\’s so brutal, but they pay-off has you cheering at the end. If you want some crazy-excitement this Halloween, throw this classic on.

I Spit On Your Grave is a horror/exploitation film written and directed by Meir Zarchi. What\’s interesting about the making of this film, is that it\’s based off of a real life situation where filmmaker Meir Zarchi found a bloodied woman in a New York park after she had been raped by a couple men. This horrible situation fueled the story for what would be I Spit On Your Grave, or originally titled, Day of the Woman, and there film world would be shocked for years to come. The film is about writer Jennifer Hills (played wonderfully by Camille Keaton) who rents a cottage out in the woods so she can quietly write her first novel. When she arrives, she\’s met by a few men who take a liking to her. They begin to cruise by her cottage and stalk her, until one day they eventually attack Jennifer, and brutally gang-rape her. After the prolonged assault, the group tasks their mentally challenged accomplice to finish her off. He couldn\’t bring himself to do it, so he dips a blade in her blood, and shows them he did it. After Jennifer realizes she\’s alone, she tries to collect herself, and that\’s when she plots her brutal revenge. A little while passes, then Jennifer starts to make herself known to the ones who raped her, and one by one, she kills them all in the nastiest ways possible.

Say hello to Mr. Dickless, everyone!

Like I said before, it\’s a tough watch, but they pay-off is just fucking incredible. I always tell people to tough out the rape scene, because after that you\’re just rooting for Jennifer to completely eradicate these pieces of shit. They get hanged to death, their junk cut off, sliced to pieces by a bot propeller, and more. The more I think about it, these have got to be the same thoughts that Meir Zarchi had when he found that woman in the park, like as if he imagined this woman\’s own revenge and what he would personally do to these rapists. I totally get that, as I react violently whenever I read about someone being raped at a local park or party. It\’s an absolute shame, but this movie tells assholes like them that there are strong women out there who are more terrifying than you think. I just enjoy everything about this movie, and if you\’re one of those folks who can stomach the prolonged rape scene, you have to watch this. It\’s just an incredible film and I\’m not even sure what more I can say about it. Fucking watch it.

Repugnant Review: Portraits of Andrea Palmer (2017) directed by C. Huston and J. Lyons

So, the whole point of this blog was to review films that really challenged what I could handle when it came to extreme cinema, and after watching hundreds of these kinds of movies, you\’d think I\’d be used to crazy brutal shit by now, but that\’s where Tomorrow Productions Portraits of Andrea Palmer comes in… and holy shit is it devastating.

I\’ve reviewed some movies with intense sexual content before. Lars Von Trier\’s Antichrist, Ryan Nicholson\’s Gutterballs (uncut version), and even Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Park had scenes that showed straight up penetration and even more bizarre sexual acts (Hanna D\’s prison heroin scene is nuckin\’ futs) but I\’ve never reviewed an Adult Film before. Portraits of Andrea Palmer is a hardcore XXX exploitation film directed by C. Huston and J. Lyons, and released by C. Huston\’s Tomorrow Productions. The movie is about a strung out webcam who gets duped into going to L.A. to work as a porn star. After she gets fucked over, she begins to work as an escort, but with every man she meets, she slowly descends into madness. This movie is not for the faint of heart. We\’re talking about a series of sexual acts that just get more and more fucked up as the movie goes on, and probably one of the most bleakest and disturbing downward spirals I\’ve ever seen in any film. As nasty as it was, I really liked it, and I was truly fascinated by the whole experience.

Now admit it, we\’ve all watched porn, but the porn of today is nothing like it was back in the 70\’s and 80\’s. Back when porn was on the big screen, playing in theaters on Times Square, and had more of an artistic approach to them. PoAP kind of gave me that experience, where I saw the film as something more than a typical porno, and more of a brutal psychological thriller. It definitely was hard to watch at times, but I was so interested in the whole story and the character of Andrea Palmer, that I kept watching. The sexual acts just get nastier and more bizarre as the film goes on, and to be honest, I was really enjoying the shock factor I was getting from a few of these scenes. I was grossed out by one scene in particular (I know if I explain it, I\’ll give it away… just watch it), that I was actually laughing and grinning at how disgusted I was. There was one scene in particular that did break up the brutality for a moment, and that\’s when Andrea Palmer meets an old man (played by the late porno legend William Margold) and he basically pays her for the day to hangout with him. It\’s a rather calm scene where the two just get to know each other and learn about their personal lives. Sadly, that\’s the only pleasant scene in the movie, and after that it instantly gets fucked up again. It\’s a severely brutal film to watch, but I honestly enjoyed the fuck out of it.

I also just want to give Katrina Zova (Andrea Palmer) some major kudos, cause holy fuck did she take a savage beating during this whole film. What a champ. I guess I\’d suggest this to anyone who\’s comfortable with extreme porn and sexual situations, because other than that, it\’s a pretty nasty exploitative shocker. Absolutely brutal, and devastating, but a very solid film. I\’ll post the link below to the Portraits of Andrea Palmer website where you can buy the film on bluray, and I\’ll post a link to the uncensored NSFW trailer below. Enjoy, you twisted motherfuckers!

Repugnant Review: The Devil\’s Honey (1986) – Lucio Fulci

The Devil\’s Honey, written and directed by the \”Godfather of Gore\” himself, Lucio Fulci. Although, this movie wasn\’t the \”normal\” Fulci film that I\’m used to, considering it didn\’t have… well, gore! That\’s not an issue with The Devil\’s Honey though, because I honestly found this completely interesting, and it\’s probably the most emotionally complex of all the Fulci films I have ever seen. Yes, I bought it cause it was advertised as \”sleazy eurotrash\”, but I felt it went above and beyond, truly showcasing Fulci\’s film-making versatility when it came to the erotic thriller genre. I feel that the Devil\’s Honey is a deep, and brutal film about dealing with abuse, remorse, and revenge… and I\’ll explain (of course this is all my opinion, and I mean, what do I know, Fulci could of just been going for the sleaze-fest that it was advertised as.)

The film\’s main characters, Johnny and Jessica, are absolutely in love, or I guess, in lust with each other. Johnny is a sax player, and a perverted sex maniac. Every time Johnny and Jessica have a moment alone, they just begin fucking, and taking part in other sexual acts. Probably the most famous scene in the movie is when Johnny gets Jessica off by playing a sax solo directly into her pussy. It\’s insanely erotic, but a lot of that lovey dovey stuff takes a dark turn, and that\’s when we begin to see the perverse side of Johnny. He was sexually abusive, making Jessica do things that she didn\’t want to do such as record home videos, and there\’s even a nasty scene involving forced sodomy. During this brutal affair, we are introduced to Dr. Simpson, a surgeon who is in a crap marriage, and spends most of his time either banging hookers, or focusing on his work. Between the wretched romance between Johnny and Jessica, mixed with the manic adulterer Dr. Simpson, The Devil\’s Honey takes a brutal turn for the worse.

During a motorcycle ride with Johnny, Jessica is forced to play with his ding-dong while he rides. As soon as they get back to their place, Johnny begins to fool around on his bike, teasing Jessica. One bad turn and Johnny falls off the bike and strikes his head on a rock. All is well at first, but then he passes out at a recording session, and is rushed to the hospital. While this was going on, Dr. Simpson\’s wife tells him that she wants a divorce, and this absolutely throws off the doctor. This is when we find out that Dr. Simpson is the one who\’s going to operate on Johnny, but due to the stress of the soon-to-be divorce, he fucks up, and accidentally kills Johnny. Overcome with grief, Jessica vows to get revenge on the doctor that took her love\’s life. This is where the film gets very interesting in my opinion, because this is where we get to see the inner thoughts and confusion with Jessica, and her battle between revenge, and dealing with the trauma of her relationship with Johnny.

So Jessica eventually kidnaps Dr. Simpson, and ties him up at her house. It\’s quite a vicious display, with Jessica making the doctor eat dog food, whipping him, and teasing him with her body, as she is basically naked throughout these torture sequences. Meanwhile, she keeps looking back to her relationship with Johnny, and slowly realizes how cruel and perverted he truly was to her. This was my favorite part, because I think she was really able to get over the pain that she built up over the years being with Johnny, and coming to the realization that this revenge plot wouldn\’t of done a damn thing anyway. An interesting thing about the Doctor is that he kind of begins to fall for his captor, and really sympathizes with her. Eventually, both of these tortured souls embrace each other, and the film ends of sort of a good note. i mean, that\’s what i got out of it.

The Devil\’s Honey was just great. It was beautifully shot, and that\’s one thing that I\’ve been noticing with a bunch of Fulci\’s less splattery works. The story won me over, as it was emotionally complex, and Jessica was just the most sympathetic character in any movie I\’ve seen in awhile. I honestly felt for the girl, and I think this movie tastefully showcased the horrors of a toxic relationship, and the grief involved with someone living with sexual PTSD or what have you. One man\’s sleaze, is another man\’s deep emotionally driven thriller. I loved it, and I am definitely going to watch it again. This is the perfect movie for a Fulci fan who is unaware of his less gory works. You can actually get this movie in gorgeous HD thanks to Severin Films, so pick up the blu-ray, watch it, and let me know what you think!


I\’M BACK – A Return to Repugnance

Hello everyone, how the fuck is everyone? If you\’re wondering what I\’ve been up to since last posting in January, continue reading.

This year I officially moved into my new apartment with my girlfriend, and recently found a new job. It\’s been a bit chaotic lately, but I couldn\’t be any happier. I finally have room for all of my shit! And now that I have the internet back, I can get back into watching and reviewing fucked up and ridiculously distasteful movies. I\’ve been dying to get back into this blog, and I miss sharing my love for these kind of films all over. It\’s been a blast connecting with others on Twitter and Instagram with the same devotion to the vulgar, bizarre, and brutal films of the world, and I\’m going all in with the content I\’d like to bring to you with The Repugnant Playhouse. The second half of 2018 is going to be one hell of a time, and I promise to deliver on the REPUGNANCE.




Repugnant Review: The Black Gestapo (1975) – Lee Frost

Written and Directed by Lee Frost

Starring Rod Perry and Charles Robinson

Written and directed by Lee Frost, The Black Gestapo is a Blaxploitation film about The People\’s Army and its struggle to regain power in the city of Watts. A White mafia terrorizes the city by extorting money out of local Black shop keeps and business owners, and The Peoples Army, led by General Ahmed (Rod Perry), try their best to keep things civil in their hellhole of a city. General Ahmed\’s right hand man, Colonel Kojah (Charles Robinson), asks his leader to form a more aggressive protection group to scare away the White Mafia. It works, but Colonel Kojah gets power hungry, and starts tormenting and extorting the people he once protected. With Nazi-inspired clothing, and hateful rhetoric, Colonel Kojah is now the big boss in Watts, and it\’s up to General Ahmed to fix both his oppressed community, and the originally peaceful People\’s Army that he once led.

I bought this film just by title alone. Kind of a social oxymoron, don\’t you think? Black. Gestapo. Normally, black people are the last thing I think of when I think of \”Gestapo\” or Nazi\’s, but it definitely plays out that way. I mean, these people didn\’t really kill anyone based on race or religion, but they did terrorize a city that they vowed to protect, and terrorized their own people to gain more power within. The only real similarity to anything Nazi in this film were the costumes. Typical Nazi uniform with arm bands and such, but other than that, I wouldn\’t really call them \”Black Nazi\’s\”, but fascist to a degree. I really enjoyed the character General Ahmed. He was a real middle man in this whole story. He not only wanted to protect his people from this wretched mafia, but he also wanted everyone to get along, and to keep drugs off of the streets. With Colonel Kojah abusing his own people, General Ahmed stood up for what\’s right to keep things civil, both for the city of Watts, and his fellow oppressed African brothers.

The Black Gestapo was a pretty entertaining flick. Lately I\’ve been looking for more obscure Blaxploitation, and a few people suggested this to me on Twitter. Found it on Amazon (came is as a Double-Feature with The Black Six) for about $5, and even though the quality kind of sucks, it was still a very decent watch. It\’s cheap, and incredibly low-budget, but it worked so well. The actors were fun, the violence was great, and the whole \”abuse of power\” story going on was very interesting. The People\’s Army may not have been as brutal as the Nazi\’s, but I wouldn\’t want to fuck with them anytime soon. Colonel Kojah was absolutely ruthless, and if you\’re sensitive about genital mutilations or torture, there is a scene in here that you might want to skip. Low budget, blaxploitation greatness that more people need to check out. I\’ll post a trailer and link below, so if you\’re interested, check it out, and if you\’ve seen it, let me know what you think. Enjoy!


The Importance of Watching Exploitative Cinema

Since I\’ve been a child, I\’ve been obsessed with horror films. Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, you guys know the classics, but my whole life was turned upside down when I started getting into older grind-house and exploitation films. One of the first ones I ever watched was the infamous Salo, aka 120 Days of Sodom. I was shocked, disgusted, and I honestly didn\’t even know what to think of it. I felt absolutely numb by this film and it took me a couple days to re-watch it, just to figure out what the fuck I just saw. After my second viewing, I started to enjoy it, mostly for the fact that I was paying attention to the message that the film was trying to push into my skull, and now it\’s one of my favorite films. Salo was a film about fascism, and the abuse of power and corruption that fascist countries endured during World War 2, and by facing the horrendous imagery that Pier Paolo Pasolini\’s Salo throws at you, I was able to understand the message that film was conveying to its audience. These films are confrontational, and they make you think about certain disturbing topics by smashing your face in with intense dialogue and imagery. After getting into these films, I started to understand their message, and some of these helped me confront some extremely distressing topics and taboos that I really didn\’t understand at the time. Obviously there are a lot of ridiculous exploitation films out there, but here are some examples of confrontational cinema that delve into some serious topics.

One of my favorite films in this genre is Combat Shock,by Buddy Giovinazzo. A Vietnam veteran returns home after experiencing the horrors of war. He loves in the slums with his wife and sickly child, he can\’t find a job, and all of his veteran friends are dying in the streets. It\’s an incredibly disturbing and depressing look into how veterans were treated (and are still treated) by the country that was supposed to be there for him. You\’re confronted with the horrors of PTSD, and mental health plays a massive part in this film, with the main character losing more faith in society, and in himself through out the entirety of this film. It\’s absolutely realistic, and it just scares you into thinking about the dog shit that soldiers have to endure when they go to war, and when they come back. I was absolutely distressed by this, and it just makes you sad for this character. A perfect example of confrontational cinema within the exploitation genre.

Films like Lars Von Trier\’s Antichrist, Larry Clark\’s Kids, and even Lucio Fulci\’s The Devil\’s Honey. They all touch on subjects that make us uncomfortable. Issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, rape, child abuse, drugs, STD\’s, etc etc. Of course if some of these topics are incredibly troubling to you, work your way up. When you get to something you want to delve into, go for it, because I absolutely believe that these films are therapeutic in a way, and confronting certain topics and scenarios opens up some sort of thought spectrum that just keeps you thinking. I have my own personal issues and fears, and I just went to films to help cope through some of these problems. Maybe it can work for you, but these films are definitely not for everyone. It\’s just that sometimes being shocked to the core helps. Open up to exploitative cinema, and confront the bullshit that lingers inside of you.

Maybe I think too much. But hey, I love this shit.

Repugnant Review: Hanna D, The Girl From Vondel Park (1984) – Axel Burger

What\’s up you Repugnant motherfuckers, enjoying the fall already? Whats a better way to ring in October than watching some sleazy, trashy, and depraved cinema. I found one you sickos might enjoy, and it\’s called \”Hanna D, The Girl From Vondel Park, directed by sleaze maestro Axel Burger (real name Rino DiSilvestro) and according to the DVD box, this film was saved from a bankruptcy auction in Rome. Thank fuck this film was found, because Severin Films took this nearly forgotten movie and restored it for our viewing pleasure. Hanna D is a brutal exploitation film following the torment of a young girl after she becomes a prostitute to support her drunken mother. This is what I call \”An Extreme Morality Tale\”, because it really reminded me of those anti-drug films from the 30\’s and 40\’s. Like \”Reefer Madness\” or \”Marihuana\”, but on bath salts.

The first thing I found particularly distressing right off the bat was that you didn\’t know how old Hanna was. The actress who played Hanna, Ann Gisel Glass, looked like she could of been 16, or 17, and seeing someone so sweet and innocent shoot up dope and fuck guys for money, it makes you squirm a bit. There are also very cringe-worthy scenes of drug use through out the entire film. It\’s almost too realistic, and considering how gritty the film was to begin with I wouldn\’t doubt a single moment that the filmmaker of this film cast real junkies and whores for this movie. It\’s a very brutal portrayal of a sweet soul cast out on the street, but it\’s also one of the most honest I feel. There are some pretty over the top moments in this film, but the story itself is fairly believable. There was one scene in particular though, that really made me jump and chuckle \”Holy Fuck!\”, and I just can\’t ruin it for you, but it does involve a hookers asshole and a vial of dope… use your imagination.

I really enjoyed the cinematography in Hanna D. It just had some of those gorgeous \”giallo\” shots and angles that really caught my eye. The acting, as far as most sleaze pictures I\’ve seen, was among the best I have seen. Ann Gisel Glass portrayed Hanna D beautifully, and Karin Schubert as her drunken mother was nearly perfect. I honestly felt bad for these characters, and what\’s better than actually getting into a film as nasty as this one. The exploitation elements just smack you in the face, but it\’s lined with some pretty deep drama, great acting, and fantastic cinematography. A great shocker overall and definitely one of my favorite exploitation films now. Like I mentioned before, you can pick up this film at Severin Films (I\’ll post a link below), and if you\’re interested, pick it up!


Repugnant Review: The Sinful Dwarf (1974) – Vidal Raski

Howdy Folks, and welcome back to a new installment of the Repugnant Review. Today, I watched the almost forgotten sleazy \”dwarfsploitation\” flick, The Sinful Dwarf. Directed by Vidal Raski (real name Eduardo Fuller) this film was almost lost in a janitors closet at the Danish Film Institute, and thanks to the great people at Severin Films, I was able to get a nice restored version of this from their incredible library. The plot centers around a maniacal dwarf (Torben Bille) and his drunken mother (Clara Keller) as they run a shanty hotel, and kidnap the women who stay there to turn them into heroin addicted sex slaves. A young couple moves into their house, and the diabolical duo take a liking to the sweet, blonde, and beautiful Mary (Anne Sparrows), hoping to add her to their collection of doped up prostitutes. It\’s silly, demented, and depraved, but you know what… it\’s not half bad.

I really thought I wasn\’t going to like this at all. I figured it was going to be too goofy; just a small person who looks like a shrunken Jack Black torture and murder gorgeous women. Oddly enough, The Sinful Dwarf has a fairly decent plot. The acting was pretty above average for this kind of film, and the woman who played the dwarf\’s mother was pretty funny. She kind of reminded me of a cracked out Cruella DeVille. Torben Bille who played Olaf the Dwarf was pretty fun to watch as well, with him being equal parts creepy and silly as the same time.

I didn\’t think I was going to say this at first, but I definitely recommend this. It\’s absolutely demented and sleazy, and I enjoyed just about every minute of it. You filth mongers would get a total kick out of this, especially if you\’re into whacky exploitation films that teeter on the exploitation/porn spectrum. This was rated X after all. If you\’re interested in picking this up, check out the Severin Films link on the right hand column (with other amazing distributers) labeled \”THE GOODS\”. Buy it, watch it, and let me know what you think!


Repugnant Review: The Sister of Ursula (1978) – Enzo Milioni

The Sister of Ursula, written and directed by Enzo Milioni, might just be one of the sleaziest giallo films I have ever seen in my life. Barbara Magnolfi (Suspiria) and Stefania D\’Amario (Zombie) star as two Austrian sisters looking for their mother who abandoned them as children. After the death of their father, they were left with some money and booked into a hotel on the Amalfi coast in Italy, hoping to share the inheritance once they find their mother. Ursula (played by Magnolfi) seemed to be the most affected by her fathers death, and after booking into the hotel, she starts to have very violent visions of the lustful women staying at the hotel being brutally murdered. Her visions become real after many women from the hotel are brutally murdered by a mad man, and what makes this very nasty is the weapon used in the murders… a giant wooden dildo.

It seemed very common in the later years of the giallo genre to have a ton of nudity and explicit sex scenes, and The Sister of Ursula is what I might consider the holy grail of Italian sexploitation. The sex scenes almost stepped into porno territory, with in-your-face full frontal nudity, and a rainbow of different fetishes being explored. Ass eating, oral sex, masturbation, lesbianism, and sexy Italian women being murdered with a giant wooden dildo, it\’s every perverts dream. Sadly, these are the most enjoyable parts of the film, because the actual story line is quite dull, and I forgot what the hell was going on a couple times while I was watching this. You\’d be watching scenes of long drawn out dialogue, and then BAM! Gratuitous sex scene for several minutes, up close bush shots, and a gruesome murder. Barbara Magnolfi and Stefania D\’Amario were very fun to watch though, especially Magnolfi, who goes absolutely bat shit insane towards the end and I fucking loved every second of it.

This is giallo at it\’s sleaziest, and if you\’re looking for something purely dirty with lack of any interesting story, you should check it out. I\’m not saying it\’s terrible, but if you\’re expecting something like Suspiria or A Bay of Blood, you\’ll be pretty disappointed. It\’s borderline giallo, but I\’d definitely call it straight up sexploitation. If you like blood, bush, and titties over story line, then this is the flick for you, you damn pervert. I got this film in the Euro-Sleaze collection from Severin Films, along with The Sinful Dwarf and Hanna D, so expect future movie reviews with gratuitous sex and violence (and soon, dwarfsploitation!)