Repugnant Review: Gestapo\’s Last Orgy (1977) – Cesare Canevari

Welcome back folks. I was going through a pile of things I needed to watch, and at the bottom, was Gestapo\’s Last Orgy. The 1977 Italian Nazisploitation flick directed and co-written by Cesare Canevari is top tier trash. Considering the film also goes by \”Last Orgy of the 3rd Reich\” and \”Caligula Reincarnated as Hitler\”, I knew I was in for it. Infanticide, cannibalism, torture, rape, immolation, and a huge dose of anti-semitism, this is pretty much the ultimate Nazisploitation flick on the market, and if you\’re into Italian shockers like 120 Days of Sodom or Canadian Nazisploitation classic Ilsa, She Wold of the SS, then you will most certainly enjoy this.

I think one of my favorite things about giallo, or Italian exploitation/sexploitation films, is no matter how shocking or outrageous the film is, it is always filmed beautifully and edited perfectly. The material coming out of this film is absolutely mind blowing, with some of the most shocking scenes I have ever witnessed. One scene involved Nazi officers eating a stew consisting the flesh of Jewish infants, and when one of the Jewish women passes out as they eat, they cover her with liquor and set her on fire… and then they eat her. This scene is actually still banned in the UK versions of the films, and rightfully so. I really enjoyed the cast in this one, especially Daniela Poggi who played Lise Cohen, an unbreakable Jewish woman who will not give in to the Nazi\’s torture. Adriano Micantoni who played Commandant Conrad von Starker was pretty awesome as well; an absolute bastard and enjoyable villain.

This movie had a great mix of disturbing content and heavy drama. It was almost on the line of being an actual Nazi-era war drama, but due to the extreme content it\’s considered a Nazisploitation flick. It really is a great film, and if you\’re into these kind of films, definitely check it out. This film will appease any euro-trash maniac and filth monger. You can pick this movie up from the great Severin Films, and if you\’re cool enough, you\’ll spend the few bucks to pick up Gestapo\’s Last Orgy and few other films from them. I\’ll post the links below and let me know what you think of the film!


Repugnant Review: Bad Lieutenant (1992) – Abel Ferrara

Bad Lieutenant tells the story of a man who has a horrible drug addiction, terrible gambling problem, and uses his position of power to lie, cheat, and steal through his dread filled downward spiral called \”life\”. Harvey Keitel\’s character, who just goes by \”Lieutenant\”, is such a devastatingly powerful piece of shit, and what makes him greater is the fact that he knows he\’s a massive piece of shit. It\’s almost inhuman, and I don\’t think I\’ve seen a character portrayed this way since Ray Liotta in Goodfellas. It isn\’t until a nun is raped, the Lieutenant visits her in the hospital. She knows the men who raped her, but she won\’t give him their names, because she forgives him. Being absolutely thrown off by how strong and forgiving she has become, he wonders now if he too will someday find salvation. Some peace at last.

This movie has me clutching my chair for the entire 96 minutes it was on. I\’ve never seen any film that catalogs a persons descent into insanity quite like this film did. It shocked me in all of the best ways. Harvey Keitel\’s performance in one of the most honest portrayals I\’ve ever seen in my life, and I give him a standing ovation. This was much more than a typical crime story, or a cop story… it was just about one man, and whether or not he would finally break out of his shitty life, and finally find peace with himself. Absolutely powerful. I was incredibly impressed with everything about this film.

Bad Lieutenant is an amazing piece of work. It\’s gritty and exploitative without being too dirty or mean, and I can\’t praise Harvey Keitel\’s performance even more than I have already. I highly suggest this film to anyone who loves film, in general, because I can honestly say that this movie is one of the greatest films of the 20th century. Just incredible.

Repugnant Review: Ebola Syndrome (1996) – Herman Yau

With all of the terror the media caused on our supposed Ebola outbreak last year, splatter and exploitation fans steered me into the direction of the outrageous black comedy, Ebola Syndrome. Directed by Herman Yau, Ebola Syndrome follows the story of Kai (Anthony Chau-Sang Wong) on the run from the Chinese government after murdering his boss, and his boss\’s wife. He settles in a small South African town working as a cook, and one day after trying to buy pigs from local tribes people, his truck breaks down. While his companion tries to fix it, Kai takes off, and stumbles upon a dying South African woman. Being the vile piece of shit he is, he rapes her, and unknowingly contracts the Ebola virus. This ridiculous story doesn\’t stop there, as Kai is immune to the effects, making him a walking disease. He spreads his virus to everyone at the restaurant, and since he\’s on this Ebola kick, he goes back to China to wreak more havoc.

What a truly bizarre movie. A man immune to the effects of Ebola, spreads Ebola to everyone he sees, and that\’s it. There is a small subplot towards the end where he meets up with an old flame and his supposed daughter, be it doesn\’t really end well. The ending is just Kai being chased by the police, as he cuts himself and spits blood at them. If this was to happen today, there would be an all out fear campaign. If there was even a chance of anyone surviving Ebola, and becoming immune to its effects, I would honestly be a little freaked out. As brutal and gross as this movie gets, it consists of a comedic background. One scene shocks you, and a few seconds later, the film makes you giggle. Some scenes are definitely there to just gross you out, with out any clear context to the story, but it\’s easy to look over, mostly due to the fact that the whole movie is fucking goofy to begin with.

I can\’t say I was the biggest fan of this movie. It was just a mish-mash of genre mixing at uneven paces. It\’s possible to have a gross-out comedy film, as John Waters and Lloyd Kaufman have proven time and time again, but Ebola Syndrome just went to such extremes, that it almost took away from anything that was remotely silly. I did giggle at a few parts, but most of the time, I would be asking myself… what the fuck? It\’s not horrible, but it\’s not the great either. If you\’re into bloody, gross out comedies, give it a shot. I found the whole film on Youtube for free, so no need to spend your hard earned money on this Ebola infested pile of poo. Let me know what you think!


Repugnant Review: Bad Boy Bubby (1993) – Rolf de Heer

After quite the break for Thanksgiving and other festivities, I\’m back at writing reviews. For the 1st of December, I\’m reviewing something that I\’ve always wanted to see, the Australian dark comedy, Bad Boy Bubby. This has been on my wish list for awhile now, and after spending a ton of money on movies recently, it\’s finally in my hands (thanks to Blue Underground). This movie stars Nicholas Hope, playing Bad Boy Bubby himself, and this has got to be one of the most deranged, funny, and thought provoking movies I\’ve ever seen, especially for a movie with such subjects as murder, incest, and rape.

Bubby lives with his abusive mother in a shitty dark apartment. She suffocates him, sexually abuses him, and tells him that the outside world is full of poisonous gas, so he\’s been kept locked away since he\’s been a child. Bubby is only aware of what surrounds him, mostly repeating things his mom says and does. He\’s basically an adult with the mind of a child, sort of unaware to the harm of what his mother does to him, making all of the abuse seem normal. Everything gets worse when Bubby\’s estranged father comes back into the picture. Bubby eventually becomes jealous, and as his parents were sleeping, he wraps their faces in plastic wrap, killing them. This is when he makes his way to the outside world, adventuring into the unknown for the first time. The best part of this movie is the fact that Bubby is technically still a child. He\’s not necessarily a bad person, he just literally doesn\’t know any better. Bubby learns as he goes, and a lot of the time it just doesn\’t go his way. He gets in trouble with the law, goes to jail, and tries to figure out what the hell everything is about. His life gets turned around when he meets a rock band on the road, and eventually joins them as their lead singer. With the band, he embarks on a journey of self discovery and learns about the life he never had. It\’s incredibly touching actually, seeing this character come into his own after being locked up for his entire life.

Some of the sweeter scenes really happen towards the 3rd act, when Bubby is helping out at a special needs home and becomes intimate with a real disabled person. I don\’t say it much, but it was cute. Seeing two people, outsiders and freaks in their own right, have generally friendly emotions for each other. Bubby eventually falls in love with one of the nurses there, Angel, a cute curvy woman who lives with abusive, religious parents. It\’s an odd connection for sure, with Bubby being mentally off and all, but it\’s genuine. All Bubby needed was love, and by the end of this amazing feature, that\’s what he got. From being shackled and abused in an apartment for 30 years, to being in a kickass band, falling in love, and eventually having some sort of a normal life, it was a wonderful sight to see.

I totally get why some of the scenes in this movie might turn some people off, but it\’s necessary as to set up what kind of person Bubby is. Nicholas Hope\’s portrayal of this character was totally believable, and the change from how Bubby was in the beginning to what he becomes at the end is just extraordinary. You really saw this character change, and become his own person. If I knew Bubby, I would absolutely be his friend. Besides the great acting talent in this movie, the audio and cinematography were just incredible too. To record the dialogue in the movie, Rolf de Heer sewed in binaural microphones about both of his hears, so everything you hear in the movie, is what Bubby is literally hearing at the moment. The movie also used 31 different directors of photography up until the last 3rd of the movie, with each different scene being recorded by someone new to give the same feeling Bubby gets when he see\’s something new. Pretty fucking cool if you ask me. All in all, this movie was an absolute blast, disturbing as it is touching, and I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a touching story with some hilarious and disturbing sequences.

– Jake

P.S. Am I the only one who thought Carmel Johnson (Angel) was kind of a babe?

REPUGNANT REVIEW: Psychout for Murder (Salvare La Faccia) – Rossano Brazzi

I reached out to facebook today and asked for some suggestions. Only one person replied, and she told me to check out this old Italian exploitation movie \”Psychout for Murder\” (Also know originally as Salvare La Faccia). Psychout for Murder is a 1969 Italian thriller directed, written, and starring Rossano Brazzi. It follows the story of a young woman, Licia (Adrianna La Russa), who is taken to the mental hospital after being caught with her boyfriend, who also organized the whole escapade to black mail her father. Why is she taken to the mental hosptial? After all, teens will be teens. Licia\’s parents sent her away to so the family can salvage their reputation. Very shitty is you ask me. After Licia leaves the institution, she begins to carry out her revenge, especially to her father (Rossano Brazzi).

I found this movie fairly interesting. It was very well acted, and the revenge story is very well thought out. I\’ve seen this refer\’d to as a \”Giallo\” movie on IMDB and such, but it\’s really not as violent other films though would be considered Giallo, like \”Hatchet for a Honeymoon\” (Mario Bava) or \”Deep Red\” by Dario Argento, but when it does start getting violent, it is effective. This movie didn\’t have to have the gore to be a good movie, it had brains, and intensity. You can really see this with the main actress, Adrianna La Russa. She just sells every moment in this, absolutely crushing her family from the inside out in incredibly twisted and genius ways. She gets her brother in law to cheat on her sister, and cause her to commit suicide, she kills her ex-lover by drugging him, and tying a string from a door knob, to a gun, so when someone walks in the room, he gets blasted in the face. Like seriously, how can you not love the craftiness! All of this added with incredible acting and great cinematography, it makes for a very enjoyable movie.

My only con with the film would probably be the pacing in the beginning of the film after Licia is released. It seemed very slow, and I wasn\’t sure where the film was going with her, but with patience it all works out in the end. Maybe I shouldn\’t be too judgmental about that, cause the scenes did help add to Licia\’s growing hatred for her family, like scenes of her stomping on her sisters flowers, and pointing unloaded guns at her father. Adrianna La Russa was astounding, and so was Rossano Brazzi, I mean the guy wrote, directed, and played a major role in the film. Thats just astounding. What\’s great about this, is that the whole movie was on youtube for free, and I\’ll link the film below for those who would like to check it out. I very much enjoyed it, and maybe you will too. Enjoy!

– Jake



YES FOLKS, The Repugnant Playhouse is now a duo of burnouts who watch and review the most repugnant movies ever made. Exploitation, Cult, Slasher, Smut… we love it all, and now you can listen to us pick them to pieces and laugh our asses off. HERE! Check our some of our first episodes for Dr. Chopper, Scarecrow, and Slashers!





I finally got around to checking this out, since a bunch of my buddies told me how sick it was, and you know what… it was ok. Gutterballs is a Canadian slasher movie about a girl named Lisa who gets raped by a group of bro dickheads after her friends get into a brawl with them during a bowling game. Now, what makes this the PIN-ETRATION EDITION is the couple extra clips they added during the rape scene, which showed a rubber cock entering an actual vagina. Shocking? sure, it definitely would make some nerd all hot and bothered, but it didn\’t really add to the scene. If anything, it took away from the act, making the scene look like a shitty amateur porno. The scene ends with the nerdy guy, who didn\’t want to partake in the rape (but still stuck around for some reason), being forced to shove a bowling pin up her cooch. Yikes.

But after this long and silly rape scene, it cuts right to the next night, where the same two groups of people face each other in another bowling match. Eventually every one in the bowling ally is brutally murdered, mostly with bowling related things like sharpened pins and crushing skulls with bowling balls, but the first death scene was actually pretty funny. One of Lisa\’s friends (who I thought was gay) ends up sixty-nine-ing the main Bro\’s \”bitch\” in the bathroom. In the act the killer comes in the room and presses on the chicks head, making her suffocate on his cock, and then the killer steps on the chicks ass, making the guy suffocate in her pussy. It was ridiculous, but I enjoyed it. Actually, it was the ridiculous ways these people died that really made this movie, and the special effects were pretty great.

I don\’t want to ruin for you guys, because I hate spoilers, so here\’s what I like and dislike about the movie. What I really liked about this movie was the deaths and special effects. I think my favorite death was when one of the jocks goes to check out the ball cleaning machine. He finds a nail inside and tried to fix it, but the killer sneaks up behind him and shoves his face inside. The killer pulls out his head the first time, and he has a gaping hole in his head, blood shooting everywhere. The jocks face is then pushed back into the machine after the killer makes some adjustments, and blood is shooting everywhere. The machine is turned off, his face was pulled out, and all you saw was a massive gory hole where the jocks face was. It was pretty well done, along with the other deaths, but that was my favorite. What I really disliked about this movie was the horrid acting and dialogue. I actually read this on wikipedia, but the word \”fuck\” was used 625 times in the movie, and trust me, it got really old quick. It almost ruined the film I think. The addition of the rubber cock in the rape scene was stupid too, and they only did that for that one scene which I thought was incredibly lame, since there were other sex scenes they could of used it in.

Overall, I would recommend this. You know, if I truly had to base this on dialogue and acting alone, then I would be a hypocrite. I\’ve seen loads of awesome movies with wretched acting, so I can\’t really knock this film entirely based on the acting and dialogue. The special effects are sweet, the soundtrack is fitting, and it did have a very neat twist ending. Look out for this one.


I come from a small and boring town by the name of Dudley, Massachusetts, where my only escape from home would either by the woods behind the church, the local and decrepit cemeteries, or in my room with my dvd/vhs combo player, with the few horror movies I owned (let\’s say I was 8 or 9). My first introduction to such films really started with the slasher film, movies like Friday the 13th, Halloween, Maniac, etc etc, and that would be all thanks to my mom, who as a great parent, didn\’t really care that I watched those things. I mean, I was terrified at first, but I think that\’s what made me get into this genre, a love for being scared, or grossed out. I became fixed on these monsters, mongoloid machete men, and ghouls, drawing them, writing stories… even so that the school would call home to tell my mom about my disturbing stories, or pictures. She didn\’t give a shit, and you know why? Because she didn\’t raise a animal torturing, self mutilating psychopath… just a kid who was into creepy shit. But then I would soon find out, that the slasher film goes much deeper into the void. I fell in, and I haven\’t climbed out yet.

I would say my life changed when I went through my Mom\’s movie collection and pulled out the films Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble (both are still in my collection). Watching those changed everything I ever knew about film and I can not thank my Mom, or John Waters, enough for their contribution in turning me into a twisted sick fuck of a cinephile. My love (and lust) for these kind of films went deeper, and I\’m still digging for more, searching through every flea market, second hand-store, dollar bin, and sketchy ebay store to get it all. John Waters really hit the nail on the head, but then another genius came into my life… and his name was Lloyd Kaufman, president and co-founder of Troma Studios. I remember being in a room with two buddies, smoking pot, and one of my friends pulls out a DVD. It was a double feature of Terror Firmer and Tromeo and Juliet and we watched both of them, in their entirety, and it was incredible. I mean, my brain may be clogged up with resin and bong water, but I\’ll never forget the first time I watched a Troma movie. The humor, mixed with unrelenting gore and sex, was everything I could ask for.

And just like a sex crazed necrophile, I kept on digging. Everything from Jörg Buttgereit\’s Nekromantik, to Lucio Fulci\’s House By The Cemetery, to Pier Paolo Pasolini\’s Salo, or 120 Days of Sodom, and so on and so forth. Scraping the bottom of the bin with movies ranging from the August Underground Series, Guinea Pig, A Serbian Film and Dog Dick, to classics such as Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, They Call Her One Eye, Faster Pussycat! KILL! KILL! and 2000 Maniacs. I just really enjoy disturbing, humorous, pornographic, gory, nauseating cinema, and thanks to websites like this, I can share my love for such films, and hopefully turn you on to some of them.

Well I think that makes for a \”decent\” into to myself, and I hope you folks enjoy the rest of this blog. Also, send me some recommendations! I\’m always looking for films.



Hello freaks, bloodhounds, perverts, and everything in between…

Welcome to The Repugnant Playhouse, a blog dedicated to obscure and obscene film from all around the world. I started this originally as a \”horror\” blog, but the genre itself breaks into so my different sub-genre\’s, and as much as I love the genre as a whole, my mind has always been set to the absurd and grotesque. I mean I wouldn\’t be here typing all of this shit if it wasn\’t for horror movies such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Halloween, but movies like The Toxic Avenger, Nekromantik, The Wizard of Gore, and Pink Flamingos that shaped my tender mind into the dysfunctional weirdo that is myself. I absolutely love it. All of the smut, shock, schlock… and that\’s why I\’m here… to blog and share the movies and future films that continue to make me laugh, cringe, and throw up (Sometimes at the same time).

Expect a lot of reviews, art, films (if I can find any free ones online, I\’ll link you), and some interviews. Also, if you have any film recommendations or anything (I MEAN ANYTHING), send me an email. My addiction is your shitty info source so hold on tight, I\’ll be posting a lot.

