Rock and Shock 2019!

Holy shit was it a busy October! Between writing my film, watching movies, working alongside a Rocky Horror shadow-cast, and just working in general, I\’m glad the month is over. Time to get back to this fucking thing, and update you on all the cool shit that happened this month. To start, I guess I\’ll tell you folks about the great time I had at Rock and Shock this year.

For those who don\’t know, Rock and Shock is an annual Horror/Cult convention in Worcester, MA. Every year, horror nerds like myself, head to the DCU center to spend an assload of cash on movies, posters, autographs, and much much more. It\’s a blast, and I look forward to destroying a months worth of paychecks on knick knacks and more movies every fucking year and the celebrity lineup was bonkers this year. With appearances from Bruce Campbell, Ray Wise, Felissa Rose, and yearly regulars like Adam Green, Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, and so much more, youjr jaw just smashed the floor seeing all of these icons hanging out on the floor. If I had the money, I\’d meet them all, but this year I was pretty chill and just stuck to meeting one of my biggest heroes, Adam Green. I get all starstruck meeting him, cause if it wasn\’t for him, or his incredible films, I wouldn\’t be the aspiring filmmaker I would of been today. He\’s the nicest dude ever, and I look forward to seeing him every time he\’s in Massachusetts. Thanks to him I got my copies of Hatchet 3 and Victor Crowley signed, and I got a kick ass Hatchet graphic novel, also signed by Adam. Fucking awesome.

One of my favorite booths to stop by every year, is the Morbid Visions tent. So far, for the past 3 years I\’ve been buying movies from Filmmaker Brian Paulin, and I\’ve been completely obsessed with his films ever since. I\’ve reviewed one of his movies on here, a movie by the incredible name of FETUS, and every year since then I\’ve been buying everything he\’s had at his table. By now I\’m pretty sure I have all of his films, all signed by the gore-maestro himself, and on top of all of that, Brian is a wicked nice dude. If you want to check out his films, click the link here: MORBID VISION FILMS

And of course, I bought more posters for the Repugnant Dungeon!

 This year, I actually wanted to focus on some of the panels going on this year. My girlfriend and I go to witness the hilarious two man show that was Adam Green, and Derek Mears. It almost wasn\’t even a panel, but two guys just riffing off of each other, and holy shit, I was dying laughing. I honestly hope those guys make a podcast or something, cause jeez, it was funny as hell. We also got to watch an independent filmmaking panel which included Brian Paulin, Alex DiVincenzo, Kyle Kuchta, Bill Fulkerson, and I completely forgot the other persons name, and the moderators name (yes, bad, I know), and we stayed for the Texas Chainsaw Retrospective with actors spanning all the movies including John Dugan, Ed Neil, Bill Moseley, Bill Johnson, and Dan Yeager. It was fucking awesome, and it just too cool to see John and Ed yucking it up with everyone. They were funny as hell!

All in all, it was another kickass wallet. My bank may hate me, but it was all worth it, and shit like this always reignites my passion to make movies. If it weren\’t for all of these icons, and fans, I wouldn\’t be here. Here\’s to another year of horrifying bliss, and I\’m looking forward to what next years Rock and Shock has to offer.
My girlfriend with a couple of KILLER KLOWNS

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