Repugnant Review: Jack Frost (1997) – Michael Cooney

Written and Directed by Michael Cooney

Starring Christopher Allport, Stephen Mendel, F. William Parker, Rob LaBelle, Shannon Elizabeth

I know what you\’re thinking… \”Jack Frost? That really stupid and creepy Christmas movie starring the great Michael Keaton?\”. Well, there\’s no Michael Keaton in the feature, but it\’s actually a hell of a lot better than that piece of shit. Jack Frost is a Christmas slasher film that came out in 1997 (a year before the shitty kids film Jack Frost), written and directed by Michael Cooney. The movie is about serial killer Jack Frost, who turns into a murderous snow man after getting into an accident with a truck full of genetic waste. Jack Frost then sets out to kill the man who threw him in jail. For watching this for the first time, I really enjoyed it.

Jack Frost is in league with the Full Moon Feature films, and what I mean by that is Jack Frost is a cheesy, hokey low budget slasher based around something as innocent as a snowman. Much like Puppet Master, the concept is really funny, but it\’s actually entertaining and pretty brutal at times. There\’s one great kill scene in this where Jack Frost strangles an old woman with Christmas lights, shoves a glass ornament in her mouth and breaking it, and then smashing her face into a box of ornaments, with the glass pieces sticking out of her mouth and face. I thought it was great, and the film is just full of absurd and hilarious Christmas themed murders.

It\’s silly, campy, hokey, whatever you want to call it, BUT… it\’s entertaining. Jack Frost is a great holiday slasher with lots of blood and campiness to satisfy any Christmas loving horror fan, and this will be part of my holiday marathon for years to come. Another great thing about this film is the appearance of the gorgeous Shannon Elizabeth (American Pie, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back) in one of her first acting roles. Michael Cooney also wrote and directed a sequel which I was lucky to find on VHS at a local flea market, Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000). I usually do a few holiday themed reviews but it\’s been a little hectic due to the holidays, but I have more one in me. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think about Jack Frost!